Monday, September 1, 2008

Soldiers of Fitness: Week 2

Hey guys and dolls,

Two weeks into bootcamp now, and it's safe to say that a career in the armed forces isn't looming anywhere in my near future... By the way, if there's a draft anytime soon, I'm emmigrating to Polynesia.

Okay, I vented... Time for some positivity.
This week has been no less challenging in terms of the ass kicking, but I'm quite impressed with how much kicking my ass can handle, especially when you come to accept your strengths and weaknesses.
Point in case: I suck at pushups... But I am a running champ!

One of our missions this week was to complete an 8km course that included a few pitstops for fun things like, well, pushups. Thankfully though, four runners were selected to push ahead to the end of the course, so that we can turn back and help out anyone struggling to finish (no one gets left behind in soldiers of fitness). I was stoked when I was picked as one of the runners! In my imagination, it was like being picked for a special OPs mission in a real combat situation. I was putting my skills to the test, and the rest of the squadron was counting on me to get it done. TALK about motivation!

Now here we are at the end of week two, and how do I feel?
I wish I could say I'm looking forward to the next couple of weeks, but truthfully, I'm not... And that's OK! It's hard, it's hot, it's dirty and it's sweaty... Who looks forward to that? Really??What I am looking forward to is the sense of accomplishment and a better understanding of self because of it.

I said last week that this is the start of the person I've always wanted to be, a better person than who I am today.
Well, I was slightly mistaken with my phrasing... Who I am today versus who I will be tomorrow isn't a matter of better or worse. In fact, there's no such thing. But an experience itself is enough to serve as a reminder that I can and WILL accomplish anything I set out to do. Be it bootcamp or otherwise, life is opportunity, and all I can ever be is more.

I'm going to finish this, and I'm going to be proud to say that I did it. It will add to my character and it will make me realize that I'm stronger than I give myself credit for. After soldiers though... Who knows? I thought about driving a school bus... We'll see.

Cheers all.
Much love!

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