... McDonald's is giving away free coffee from 5am until 10am!!!!
Oh... and then there's this wee little election happening south of the border. It's a doozie, and it's already being called the most historical in many of our lifetimes.
True dat... look at the past 8 years, look at the candidates, look at the state of the world... there's a lot riding on whatever our yankee friends decide to mark down on their ballots and we canucks are up here waiting with baited breath to see who comes out on top.
Kind've a shame we weren't as enthusiastic a few weeks ago... but maybe that's because putting only one X into one circle isn't as stimulating as double-sided paperwork. Phooey.
At any rate, today is one for the textbooks of tomorrow, and it's pretty cool to see it all unfold... although CNN tends to give me a headache on the lightest of news days... thank goodness for Jon Stewart!
This all leads me to wonder, though...
Change is coming, that's a given... but what kind of change will we actually see? How is it going to affect the rest of us without a US passport? And will it be enough to make a real difference in our modern global village?
David stands tall in the shadow of the giant... here's hoping he'll have a big enough pebble.
Much love everyone!
PS- Sure wouldn't mind having one of those free McD's coffees dropped off to the studio in the morning... just sayin...
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